Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of Alex Moss.
Hello, Welcome to my RRPA Gallery. Here you will find photos from the Louisville,KY area and more.
About Me Hello, My name is Alex Moss and im a railfan/railroader from the Louisville,KY area. I am a volunteer at Kentucky Railway Museum and I'm a member of the L&N #152 Steam Crew. My whole life i've alway been interested in trains due to my father who is a locomotive engineer. Ive always wanted to work on the railroad since I was a little boy and today I am living my dream. I got into photography back in Oct. 2007, Every since then ive been hooked and have put stuff on Railpictures.net. I am a RP Contributor and you can view my photos HERE
Im currently still in school and when I graduate I hope to get a job with a railroad locally. I am also the administrator over LouisvilleRailfanning Yahoo Group which you can CLICK HERE to view.
Other things that im interested in is Weather, Traveling & Anything to do with transportation(Semi Trucks, Boats, Planes...ETC)
Thanks for viewing my gallery and if you have a question, Feel free to contact me!
Sincerly, Alex Moss
Equipment I use Nikon D40 Nikkor 18-55mm lens Nikkor 55-200mm lens Hakuba S-4500
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!
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